Studio Pendidikan is one of the few non-comercial
production house in Indonesia. It was set up under The Atma Jaya
Research Centre in 1983 to meet researchers, lecturers, and trainers
who need audio-visual materials in research, teaching, and training
activities. The functions of the studio are giving training lectures,
educating students, and others in various professional skill; producing
audio-visual materials; and conducting research on human behaviors
experimentally as well as in natural setting. Studio Pendidikan
already produced various audio-visual materials.
In 1995 Studio Pendidikan was entrusted by IPEC
to conduct documentary video film on child labour in 7 areas which
are Jakarta, Bekasi, Cikotok, Bandung, Medan, Weleri and Medan.
In producing the video, Studio Pendidikan worked together with some
local NGOs such as Yayasan Humania Jakarta, Yayasan Bintang Pancasila
Jakarta, Muhammadiyah Bandung, Muhammadiyah Weleri, KKSP, etc. In
July 1995 the video was wrapped and titled "A Brief Story of
Child Labour in Indonesia". The duration of the video is 18
minutes with English and Indonesia narration. The video is covering
the faces of working children, types of work, the number of working
children in Indonesia and their average working hours. The video
also covers the types of hazardous work in which children are involved
and also informs some efforts of NGOs for the protection of working
children. The video revised afterwards some discussion between the
staff of the department of manpower and ILO/IPEC. Under 1998/1999
another collaboration is established to make another video documentary
on child labour in Indonesia. An about 20 minutes documentary video
titled "Merengkuh yang belum Terjangkau (Reaching the Out Reached)"
made. The video highlights the children's devastating condition
as child domestic workers, child prostitutes, deep-sea child workers
and children working at the transmigration sites who help their
families to survive by ploughing unfertile soil.