Yayasan Pemerhati Sosial Indonesia (YPSI) or Social Concern Foundation
of Indonesia is a non-profit organization involved in addressing
the plight of the working children in slum area of West Jakarta
and suburban areas of Tangerang. YPSI has reached over 200 children
in both formal and informal sector areas providing them access to
education and health welfare.
The collaboration between YPSI and IPEC in combating the child
labour started in 1998 until 2001. The objective of the collaboration
was Removing Working Children from Hazardous Work in Bleach and
Detergent Making Industries: a Pilot Project in Subdistrict of Kedaung
Wetan, Tangerang. During the collaboration 36 children are following
literacy classes for two days (mornings) a week. Children received
health check ups and supplementary food. A meeting with 73 parents
and local cadres took place as well as a meeting with community
leaders to socialize child labour issues and the importance of education.
Informal leaders attended monthly meetings and parents attended
bi-monthly meetings to discuss value of education, performance of
children and awareness on child labour issues. Coordination meetings
with partner agencies were organized, involving MOM, employers,
local government.