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Sociology is one of the core disciplines of the social sciences. Thus it comes as no surprise that the Department of Sociology forms the backbone of any faculty of the social and political sciences including at the University of Indonesia. As a scientific discipline, sociology studies all forms and at the various level of social units—from the micro level, such as the family and primary groups; meso level, such as organisations, corporations and communities; and the macro level that take the form of states and societies. The basic assumption in sociology is that every problem faced by human beings is born out of social conditions and brought about by direct or indirect causes, and has social consequences and implications. Problems and their solutions originate neither from nature nor the individual, but rather from human relation in various social units. With the key concept of sociology which rely heavily on social structure, Laboratory of Sociology (Labsosio) attempt to identify and bring solution of the social problem by investigate human relationship pattern of vertical, horizontal, and holistic dimension at all aspects of those social units.

In line with the Three Principles of Higher Education, the Department of Sociology bears the task of carrying out the first principle of education and instruction. The Labsosio adheres to the second principle of research, with an emphasis on pure scientific research. Together, the Department of Sociology and the Labsosio carry out the third principle of public services. With regard to this third principle, the Department of Sociology focuses on problems of public awareness, while the Labsosio takes the role of consultant and may conduct applied research for clients seeking solutions to their problems, or perform studies that provide the basis for policies and programs. All research is based upon scientific principles and research ethics. It is evident that the Labsosio try to be one of the main pillars in establishing the University of Indonesia as a research university.




University Of Indonesia

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Gedung B, Lantai 1, Kampus FISIP-UI, Depok 16424
Tel. (62-21) 786-3425, 727-0006 ext. 214.
Fax: (62-21) 787-3425 e-mail: labsosio@indo.net.id
http:// www.sosiologi-ui.or.id